Special Ability Editing Tutorial
1. Description
2. Deployment Entries
3. Special Abilities
4. Air Unit Attributes
5. Building Attributes
1. Description:
This is my third tutorial, designed to detail the process of giving added and old units
special abilities and deployment capabilities, along with a description of building and air
unit entries and editing.
2. Deployment Entries:
1. Here is a list of all of the deployment capabilites used by units and infantry (although
some of them are activated in different manners), and how they are activated:
Biuld Construction Yard
Resource = ATConYard, HKConYard, ORConYard
-Atreides, Harkonnen, Ordos Engineer:
Capture Buildings
Engineer = TRUE
-Atreides Kindjal Infantry (this unit's deployment ability is not transferable):
Artillary Cannon
DeployInf = TRUE
TurretAttach = ATKindjalGun, ATKindjalBigGun
-Ordos Mortar Infantry (this unit's deployment ability is not transferable):
Mortar Cannon
DeployInf = TRUE
TurretAttach = ORMortarInfGun, ORMortarInfBigGun
Saboteur = TRUE
Resource = SaboteurBomb
ExplosionType = InfiltratorDeath
-Fremen Fedaykin (this unit's deployment ability is not transferable):
Worm Riding
AdvancedFremen = TRUE
ObjectTypeWhenGone = WormSign0
Resource = WormRider
-Guild NIAB Tank (this unit's deployment ability is not transferable):
NiabTank = TRUE
TeleportSpleepTime = 93
-Ix Projector Tank (this unit's deployment ability is not transferable):
Holographic Porjector
Projector = TRUE
Lifespan = 6000
-Ix Infiltrator:
Infiltrator = TRUE
Resource = SaboteurBomb
ExplosionType = InfiltratorDeath
-APC Units:
Carries 5 Infantry Units
2. Most of these deployment capabilities are not an option for use by unit models other then
the original units they accompanied. For example, the projector ability can only accompany
units that use the original or edited Ix Projector Tank xbf.
3. To allow a unit the use of any other capability simply add the listed entries, with only
a few exceptions.
3. Special Abilities:
1. This is a list of special abilities that can be used by any units and buildings,
accompanied by a description along with several entries that can be edited to allow extreme
-Resource - This allows any unit to be capable of constructing anyother type of building,
simply add the desired buildings name (abbreviated name used in the Rules file).
-Stealthed = TRUE - This entry stealths any unit that includes that entry. However, when a
unit reaches a certain level of health it is forced out of it's stealthed mode.
-StealthedWhenStill = TRUE - This allows units to remain stealthed when not moving, but they
lose their stealthed mode when moving.
-ViewRange - This can be increased to extreme levels, there by allowing a single unit to
reveal an entire map simply by being constructed.
-TastyToWorms = FALSE - This entry allows units, more specifically harvesters, to completely
avoid attacks by worms.
-Terrain - This entry can be edited to allow buildings to be constructed on any type of
viable terrain, like sand.
-ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX - This entry lessens the effect of the Ordos Chaos Lightning.
-HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX - This entry lessens the effect of the Atreides Hawk Strike.
-UnstealthRange = 10 - This entry allows a building or unit to unstealth units at very long
or close ranges.
4. Air Unit Attributes:
1. This section of the tutorial will describe several specific areas of air unit's entries.
2. As our example, we will use the Atreides Ornithopter entry:
Score = 3
House = Atreides
StormDamage=10 //only damages is never picked up
PrimaryBuilding = ATHanger //only built in ATFactory
UnitGroup = FromHanger
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, Ramp
Cost = 1000
BuildTime = 499
Size = 2
HeightOffset = 8
Speed = 20 //10 //7.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.05 //radians per update
Armour = Aircraft
Health = 1600
CanFly = TRUE
Ornithoptor = TRUE
Resource = ATHelipad
TurretAttach = ATOrnithopterGun
//SoundSelected = PilotSelected
//SoundOrdered = PilotOrdered
//SoundID = 41
ExplosionType = AerialExplosion
Debris = DebrisMedium
AiAir = TRUE
TechLevel = 5
Starportable = TRUE //order from starport (if atreides)
//ReinforcementValue = 8
UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE
DamageEffect = MediumDamageFX
ChaosEffect = MediumChaosFX
HawkEffect = MediumHawkFX
HitSlowDownAmount = 50 // Percent (100 = complete stop)
HitSlowDownDuration = 100 // ticks
ViewRange = 4, 8
ExcludeFromSkirmishLose = TRUE
GetsHeightAdvantage = FALSE
AIThreat = 80
// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 10 // Score required
ExtraDamage = 25
// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 24
Speed = 30 // Careful - don't go above 32!
// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 48
ExtraDamage = 50 // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons
ExtraArmour = 50 // Takes 50% less damage
3. This is a list of the air unit attributes used by the Atreides Ornithopter and other air
-CanFly = TRUE - This entry allows the Atreides Ornithopter to be an air unit by indicating
that it can fly.
-Ornithoptor = TRUE - This entry confirms several action attributes used by the Atreides
Ornithopeter, that can be used by other units.
-Resource = ATHelipad - This ensures that when the Atreides Ornithopter has depleted it's
weapon payload that it will immediately return and land on the Atreides Helipad to reload.
-Circles = TRUE - This entry, not used by the Atreides Ornithopter, forces the unit when not
moving, to fly in a continuous circle.
5. Building Attributes:
1. As the example for this secetion of the tutorial, we will use the Atreides Barracks:
Barracks = TRUE
House = Atreides
StormDamage=5 //only damages is never picked up
TechLevel = 1
PrimaryBuilding = ATConYard
SecondaryBuilding = ATSmWindtrap, ORSmWindtrap, HKSmWindtrap
Terrain = Rock
Cost = 225
ViewRange = 10
PowerUsed = 20
BuildTime = 309
Occupy = sssss
Occupy = sssss
Occupy = sssss
Occupy = nbbbn
Occupy = nbbbn
Occupy = bbbbb
Occupy = bbbbb
AiExit = true
AiManufacturing = true
DeployTile = 2,4 2,2
Armour = Building
Health = 2500
Debris = DebrisMedium
CanBeEngineered = TRUE
UpgradeTechLevel = 3 //same as engineer
UpgradeCost = 800
CanBePrimary = TRUE
ExplosionType = MidExplosion
Score = 3
NumInfantryWhenGone = 3
2. Here is a list of what several areas of the ATBarracks entry mean:
-Barracks = TRUE - This entry connects all infantry units that have the ATBarracks as their
primary building, thus allowing it to train them.
-Terrain = Rock - This indicates that the ATBarracks can only be constructed on the terrain
-PowerUsed = 20 - This indicates how much power the ATBarracks draws from a base's
-Occupy = s - This is the area where units are deployed.
-Occupy = n - This indicates that no tiles are present there.
-Occupy = b - This indicates how many tiles and where a building is located.
-AiExit = true - This indicates that units can exit this building when trained.
-AiManufacturing = true - This indicates that the ATBarracks are capable of training
infantry units.
-DeployTile = 2,4 2,2 - This indicates which tiles the trained infantry are deployed onto.
-CanBeEngineered = TRUE - This indicates that the ATBarracks can be captured by an Engineer.
-UpgradeCost = 800 - This indicates how much it costs to upgrade the ATBarracks.
-CanBePrimary = TRUE - This indicates that the ATBarracks can be the primary training
-NumInfantryWhenGone = 3 - This indicates that when the ATBarracks are destroyed or sold
remaining in it's place are three Atreides Infantry units. When the building is destroyed
the remaining infantry are heavily damaged.