This is a list containing the names of and information regarding mods I have participated with or made myself, numbering 12 in all so far. Many of these mods have been released already, but several are still under construction:
Shai-Hulud Mod, Inoculator9 & Timenn:
The Shai-Hulud Mod has multiple purposes, the main one being the replacement of House Atreides with the Fremen, and the Fremen subhouse being replaced with House Atreides. The secondary change made to Emperor gameplay is the texture conversions made to the Sardaukar, the Atreides, the Harkonnen, and the Ordos. These texture changes have altered the colors of these houses to make them more appropriate to the book. My contributions to this mod include
suggestions, an install program, and all program file editing. Timenn is doing all of the graphics work necessary for the mod including textures, icons, and new xbfs.
Ascension of Dune Mod, Inoculator9:
The Ascension of Dune Mod has been a long-term project of mine, that includes contributions from many other modders, with the main change to gameplay being the addition of 22 units and buildings. Each subhouse has had several units added, many with new textures and weapons. It also includes a custom map, made by IxianMace, with significant graphics alterations and an introduction movie made by Anders (Cyborg).
Fed2k Heroes Beta, Inoculator9 & GoldEagle:
The Fed2k Heroes Mod project was designed to add several members of the Fed2k Forum to Emperor gameplay as infantry and tank units. This is the beta, which currently only adds five members of the forum, each with a unique new weapon, texture, and icon. Although the
full version's release date is uncertain, construction and development will continue as quickly as possible. My contribution to this mod was program file editing. GoldEagle did all of the graphics work necessary for the mod including textures, icons, and new xbfs.
Plasma Mod, Inoculator9:
The Plasma Mod adds 8 units to Emperor gameplay (one to each house and subhouse), each one armed with a plasma based weapon. This mod is relatively simple and small, so the removal of original Emperor units was not necessary which allows Emperor's gameplay to remain intact.
Plasma Mod Version 2, Inoculator9:
The Plasma Mod Version 2 adds 5 units to Emperor gameplay, in addition to Version 1's original eight. The five units mainly serve to fill other areas of each houses military, including infantry and air sections. Since House Ordos possesses no combat air units they
received the Plasma Turret instead.
House Heroes Mod, Inoculator9 & Rubra:
I was contacted by Rubra with a request that I assist him in the construction of a mod, and this mod is the end result. It adds a total of eight "hero" units to Emperor gameplay, each one with superior weaponry and armor compared to standard infantry. Rubra dictated all of his unit ideas to me and I edited the program files, IxianMace also provided one icon
Subhouse Building Mod Version 1, Inoculator9:
The Subhouse Building Mod was my first mod project, and it's simple purpose reflects this fact. This mod made all subhouse and incidental buildings that were originally uncapturable, capturable. This is the mod's only purpose along with several minor edits to other unit's
Subhouse Building Mod Version 2, Inoculator9:
The Subhouse Building Mod Version 2 was my second mod. It makes several additional unit edits and fixes many major bugs that plagued the original version. It also unlocked several units and buildings, making them available for use during Emperor gameplay.
Subhouse Building Mod Version 3, Inoculator9:
The Subhouse Building Mod Version 3 is the slightly less then
expected result of what was originally a failed project. It combines all of the additions and edits made by Version 1+2 with the addition of 10 units (not including already unlocked units) one or two for each house and subhouse, along with icons for all unlocked units and buildings.
Mercenary Mod, By Inoculator9:
The Mercenary Mod adds 10 units to Emperor gameplay, the main ones being three Smuggler units. It also increases Skirmish mode difficulty by giving each house the abilitity to train their own Sardaukar, without any alterations.
Moritani Corrino Vernius Mod, Inoculator9:
The Moritani Corrino Vernius Mod was my second successful mod. This mod renamed the Imperial Sardaukar, House Corinno; renamed House Ix, House Vernius; and Ordos infantry units were renamed Moritani units, with a detailed story contained in the mod readme explaining this. The mods only changes were text related along with only a few unlocked units.
Moritani Corrino Vernius Mod Version 2, Inoculator9 & GoldEagle:
The Moritani Corrino Vernius Mod Version 2 takes the original mod concept several steps farther. This is a full conversion mod, replaced each of the original houses with one of three houses originally added to Emperor by the first version of this mod. Each house and subhouse will have new units, buildings, and textures. My contribution to this mod is permission for the title's use and program file editing. GoldEagle did all of the graphics work necessary for the mod including textures, icons, and new xbfs.
Take note that the order in which the author's name appears is not always representative of their individual contribution.