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Frank Herbert


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Frank Herbert
This is a list of books, and descriptions of them, that are not directly related to Frank Herbert's most well known series, The Chronicles of Dune. Books and descriptions will be added as I read them.
The Eyes Of Heisenberg:
The Eyes of Heisengerg was written to serve as a brilliant exploration of the possibility of and actions of a society ruled by apathetic demigods. These rulers have become so apathetic that concepts once primary to the human mind and condition have become foreign to them. One such concept is death. They had become so sure of their own superiority that even when killing their impotent and conformist citizens they regret the action, but only as someone who inadvertantly stepped on a bug or hit an animal driving would pity their victim.
The Green Brain:
The Green Brain acts as one of the greatest explorations of the concept of a "hive mind" outside of the Enders series by Orson Scott Card. It is set in a world were the extermination of insects has become a crusade. In China nearly all insect life has been exterminated and Brazil is nearing the same goal, but secretly China is forced to realize the consequences of their actions. Farmland and forests become non-existent as the lack of insect pollination, for example, takes affect.